Category Archives EnOcean Insights

Global supply chain during COVID-19

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has not only had a major impact on our personal lives but also brings huge challenges to many businesses around the globe. “There’s no doubt that the pandemic has tested the ingenuity, resilience and flexibility of supply chain leaders globally, as they have sought to maintain essential operations.”1 […]

EnOcean developed strong partnerships for a greener future

The world is currently full of change and development, both positive and negative. Of course there is COVID-19 which has made a rather dramatic impact that at this time last year not many people would have expected. Also, there continues to be a growing awareness for the need to act more sustainably not only on […]

EnOcean 2020 Halbjahresbilanz

Während der Sommerzeit sind viele im Urlaub und bei den meisten Unternehmen geht es gewöhnlich etwas ruhiger zu. Das gibt Zeit durchzuatmen und die erste Jahreshälfte zu reflektieren. Und die war vor allem aufgrund Corona ziemlich anstrengend, sowohl beruflich als auch im privaten Umfeld. Ich bin wahrscheinlich nicht der einzige, wenn ich zu dem Schluss […]

EnOcean insights - a company update

Of course, the fight against the coronavirus is the most important task we all have together in the coming weeks and months. But for me it is also reassuring to know that life goes on despite the omnipresent virus. With this in mind, I wish you all the best and hope that an update from […]

Zehn Jahre Partnerschaft EnOcean und Katek

Ein Blick zurück auf die Anfänge der Zusammenarbeit der beiden Unternehmen zeigt vor allem eins: Gemeinsam geht es seit zehn Jahren steil bergauf. Grund genug für eine kleine Feierstunde in der Fertigung in Grassau im bayerischen Chiemgau. Die oberbayerische Kulisse mit Bergpanorama steht im deutlichen Kontrast zur internationalen Ausrichtung der Katek Gruppe. Mit ihren derzeit […]

We are Energy Harvesting!

Summer is over and the EnOcean team has had a great time with different activities. And no matter what we did, we always found a connection to what we care about: energy harvesting.    

Girls'Day 2019 bei EnOcean

Einen spannenden Einblick in die Welt des Energy Harvesting gab es dieses Jahr auf dem Girls’Day 2019 bei EnOcean. Bereits zum sechsten Mal beteiligte sich EnOcean an der Aktion und hatte einige spannende Projekte rund um batterielose Funktechnologie vorbereitet. Kurz nach 10:00 Uhr ging es mit einer kleinen Sicherheitsschulung los – schließlich war das vorbereitete […]

ISH 2019 EnOcean

At the ISH 2019 EnOcean will be introducing new solar-powered, maintenance-free sensor modules for a wide range of building data that fit into classic switch frames based on the PTM modular switch system. Wireless sensors based on the EnOcean harvesting technology are the eyes and ears of the IoT, as they collect the required raw […]

Christian Bach and Alan Tejeda, both Application Engineers at EnOcean GmbH, show in their article how OEMs find the right EnOcean product for different applications. EnOcean is synonymous with energy harvesting wireless technology, offering modules and finished products under the brands Dolphin and Easyfit for batteryless applications in the Internet of Things. They are used […]

Georges Goudelis (20) is doing a one-year internship in the mechanical department at EnOcean. Close to finishing this practical time, we spoke with him about his experiences. George, you are intern at EnOcean for 11 months now. Why did you choose EnOcean for your internship? The internship at EnOcean was listed on the job website […]
