With the introduction of the new EnOcean EMDC motion and activity sensor family, users can now monitor room occupancy, light levels, and people’s activities seamlessly through a single self-powered sensor. This breakthrough marks a significant advancement in smart building technology. This latest innovation will make an appearance at the EnOcean booth at Light & Building […]
Tag Archives Smart Building
The European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) mandates the modernization of a large number of buildings within a relatively short timeframe. However, implementing traditional structural improvements like insulation or extensive renovations is challenging. In this context, enhancing, or retrofitting building automation systems proves to be the only reasonable option for meeting legal requirements. In […]
The rapid evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the way we live and work. It offers businesses opportunities to become more efficient, productive, and environmentally responsible. Buildings play a significant role in global CO2 emissions. IoT technology is the key to reducing their carbon footprint. One of the most promising features of […]
Heating is more than just a comfort; it’s a necessity, especially when the temperature dips. However, the way we approach heating can have significant implications for our energy consumption and sustainability goals. In most homes, the heating is ideally turned down during the daytime when family members are away, and the windows are only opened […]
Imagine yourself in the following scenario: You’re walking through the empty office building of your company in the evening, everybody has already gone home. However, most of the offices are still lit and you can hear the air con running while in some rooms the heating is turned on. You can even see most of […]
For thousands of years, humanity has built and lived in non-“smart” buildings, and it worked well throughout history. So why do we need to switch to smart buildings now, and what does that mean? Make buildings smart for an ecological transition Firstly, there is the issue of climate change and the urgent need to stop […]
Have you ever driven through a town or city in the evening and wondered why there‘s still light turned on in all these office buildings? I bet you have! And it is a good question indeed. I mean you wouldn‘t have lights burning in your own home the entire evening or even night when you […]
Anfang Mai 2020 wurden die begehrten SmartHome Deutschland Awards in den Kategorien „Bestes Produkt“, „Bestes realisiertes Projekt“, „Bestes SmartHome Start-Up“ und „Bestes klimaschützendes und smartes Berliner Projekt“ von einer Fachjury ermittelt und in einer Internet-Veranstaltung verliehen. Sieben von 12 der Finalisten nutzen die EnOcean-Technologie, so viele wie noch nie zuvor. Damit wurde deutlich, dass EnOcean […]
The coronavirus crisis has brought profound change across the globe. The sheer scale of the pandemic puts enormous stress on healthcare systems everywhere. Medical facilities, from hospitals to care homes and housing for vulnerable people – all are focussed on limiting the spread and human impact of Covid-19. This crisis has developed very quickly, and, […]
Die Corona-Pandemie stellt uns alle momentan vor große Herausforderungen, beruflich aber vor allem auch im Umgang miteinander. Der schnelle Anstieg von Infizierten weltweit macht gerade dem Gesundheitswesen zu schaffen. Die Chinesen haben es uns vorgemacht: In nur wenigen Tagen errichteten sie Krankenhäuser, um die vielen mit Corona infizierten Patienten zu versorgen. Dies bedarf natürlich einer […]
Der Gebäudeautomationsmarkt macht gerade eine rasante Entwicklung durch. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit haben wir die Gebäudeautomation ausschließlich mit klassischen Funktionen wie der Licht-, Jalousien- und Temperaturregelung verbunden. Die Digitalisierung ist ein Megatrend, der nun auch im Gebäudebereich Einzug hält. Hierbei wird aber nicht nur die klassische Gebäudeautomation an das Internet angebunden. Gebäudedaten für neue […]
Smart buildings are on their way to becoming fully digitised, not only catering for classical automation areas such as HVAC and lighting but also developing into demand-based agile living and working environments. With the aid of sensor data, IoT systems can map detailed usage patterns of the building, staff and inventory. This information can be […]