Tag Archives EnOcean

Christian Bach and Alan Tejeda, both Application Engineers at EnOcean GmbH, show in their article how OEMs find the right EnOcean product for different applications. EnOcean is synonymous with energy harvesting wireless technology, offering modules and finished products under the brands Dolphin and Easyfit for batteryless applications in the Internet of Things. They are used […]

For the first time EnOcean exhibited at Bluetooth World – and it was a great place to be. We experienced an inspiring knowledge exchange with leading manufacturers and experts from the Bluetooth SIG. There was a lot of excitement about our self-powered solutions for Bluetooth® lighting systems as they enable maintenance-free, ready-to-use control and data […]

Our 2nd tutorial video explains the energy harvesting technology from EnOcean which enables wireless switches and sensors to work without batteries. Learn about the technology’s benefits and the wide range of applications for smart buildings using the EnOcean standard.  

This tutorial video gives background information at a glance on the specifics of EnOcean-based solutions – for installers, specifiers, facility managers, system integrators and everyone who wants to learn more about the characteristics and benefits of self-powered wireless switches and sensors based on the EnOcean standard for more energy-efficient and intelligent buildings.  

At the first European Congress for Energy Efficiency and Digital Transition in Buildings, Eric Cassar, Architect at Arkehenspaces, explained how space sharing could solve the problems of an increasing demand for space and the cost explosion of housing in cities. The digital transition of buildings based on sensor data, enabling intelligent space usage, for example, […]

The transition from traditional lighting to LED lighting has triggered a wave of innovation that will establish lighting as an Internet of Things (IoT) backbone in the building. High node density coupled with readily available power supply make lighting fixtures ideal nodes of a connected wireless mesh network. Self-powered sensors play a key role to […]

Smart buildings are becoming more prevalent with IoT technology complimenting, and in some cases, replacing current building management systems (BMS). The deep networking ability of cloud-based IoT platforms and self-powered, maintenance-free sensors that can flexibly be placed everywhere in a facility, even on furniture, provide real-time insight into a building’s condition and technical health. This […]

Die DB Systel hat zusammen mit Microsoft und EnOcean das Venture IoT/M2M Office in Hamburg an nur einem Tag mit batterielosen Funksensoren ausgestattet und über die DB IoT Cloud vernetzt.* Wir haben mit Jörn Petereit, Head of  IoT/M2M, DB Systel GmbH und Armin Anders, Vice President Business Development, EnOcean GmbH über die Möglichkeiten des Internets […]

Georges Goudelis (20) is doing a one-year internship in the mechanical department at EnOcean. Close to finishing this practical time, we spoke with him about his experiences. George, you are intern at EnOcean for 11 months now. Why did you choose EnOcean for your internship? The internship at EnOcean was listed on the job website […]

John Corbett, Sales Director Northern Europe and Middle East at EnOcean, explains with the example of the Wienerberger e4 brick house™ the possibilities of self-powered sensors for an energy-saving, safe and comfortable smart home. Learn about several usage examples in this video.

Today, it’s World Environment Day, designated by the United Nations to draw our attention on environmental challenges of our time. This day is certainly not the only but a good one to look at the cost of batteries, from an environmental point of view but also regarding the effort of replacing them. Batteries are part […]

Wieviel Energie steckt in einer Zitrone? Wie wird der eigene Körper zur Energiequelle für Funk? Bereits zum fünften Mal hatten wir technikinteressierte Schülerinnen bei uns zu Gast. Im Rahmen des diesjährigen Girls‘ Day erlebten sie, wie spannend die Berufsfelder Elektrotechnik, Mechanik und Softwareentwicklung sind. Neben etwas Theorie gab es vor allem Technik zum Anfassen und […]
