Category Archives Internet of Things

Smart Spaces for SMEs

Wired or wireless technology: Which is better for connected buildings? Intelligent work environments with demand-driven regulation of temperature, air quality, and lighting can have a positive effect on the comfort and well-being of employees, thus increasing their motivation and productivity. The things that large companies do in their smart spaces are becoming increasingly easier to […]

EnOcean is dedicated to a greener future – by utilising IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) usage is growing rapidly. Data-driven decision making is one of the foundations underneath this growing adaption. Digitization is driven even faster by COVID-19 and everything that is related to it and companies have had to adapt to these new changing environments with rapid speed. Employees are returning to the offices, […]

Intelligent buildings form the backbone of smart cities.

In recent years, we have gradually witnessed major changes in our societies worldwide. Determining factors are, for example, digitization, global warming or the changing demography including the aging population in many countries or migration effects. The current pandemic has just accelerated these transitions with a domino effect that forces us to analyze and act quickly. […]

Sustainability triangle energy harvesting

If there’s one topic that has been present over the last couple of decades, it’s sustainability. People are trying to act sustainably in the way they live, paying attention to recycling, consuming less plastic, using bikes and public transport instead of cars, and buying local goods. Companies have also acknowledged that this is something they […]

Corona als Trigger für Smart Buildings

Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat so ziemlich alles durcheinandergewirbelt, was wir in unserem beruflichen und privaten Leben bisher gewohnt waren. Wir treffen uns über Webmeetings, sitzen wie ich gerade auch im Homeoffice, kaufen mehr online ein, reisen mit mulmigem Gefühl und verfolgen aufmerksam die Nachrichtenlage, wie sich ein unsichtbares Virus in Wellen um die Welt bewegt. Zuerst […]

EnOcean Forbes Technology Council Data for the IoT

Five years ago, it was an industry buzzword: the Internet of Things (IoT). Analysts predicted billions of sensors would be connected to the Internet, delivering a tremendous amount of information from everywhere around us. IoT has already become reality, as foreseen by experts. However, it soon expects a spurt in growth through the rapidly increasing […]

Smart Spaces

Die Digitalisierung macht auch am Büroalltag nicht halt. Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle, dezentrales Arbeiten, Homeoffice – die weitaus meisten verbinden New Work mit einem neuen Führungsverständnis, radikalem Kulturwandel und innovativen Formen der Arbeitsorganisation, die dem Einzelnen eine größere Freiheit in der Gestaltung seines Arbeitsalltags einräumen. Wie sehr der New Work-Gedanke allerdings auch Aspekte der „klassischen Arbeitswelt“ durchdringt […]

digitization of building spaces

At this year´s IoT Solutions World Congress (Barcelona, October 29-31, 2019), the IoT pioneers T-Systems and EnOcean will be demonstrating real-life solutions for digitalized office spaces and smart homes. Visitors to the event can experience at the booth 411 (Gran Via, Hall 2, Level 0, Street D, Stand 411) how close partnerships across industries and […]

At CES 2019, the EnOcean Alliance and several of its members showed smart applications and interoperable solutions for intelligent buildings and IoT systems – all based on the EnOcean wireless standard. This video gives a snapshot of EnOcean Alliance’s presence at the show.  

Smart buildings are becoming more prevalent with IoT technology complimenting, and in some cases, replacing current building management systems (BMS). The deep networking ability of cloud-based IoT platforms and self-powered, maintenance-free sensors that can flexibly be placed everywhere in a facility, even on furniture, provide real-time insight into a building’s condition and technical health. This […]

Die DB Systel hat zusammen mit Microsoft und EnOcean das Venture IoT/M2M Office in Hamburg an nur einem Tag mit batterielosen Funksensoren ausgestattet und über die DB IoT Cloud vernetzt.* Wir haben mit Jörn Petereit, Head of  IoT/M2M, DB Systel GmbH und Armin Anders, Vice President Business Development, EnOcean GmbH über die Möglichkeiten des Internets […]

Research conducted by Business Insider forecasted that 646 million connected devices (excluding wearables such as fitness trackers) will be installed and used in healthcare facilities by 2020. Not only is this an increase of 580% compared to 2015, healthcare will also make up 25% of the total IoT market! (source: Business Insider and In the UK alone, there are now over […]
