Global supply chain during COVID-19

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has not only had a major impact on our personal lives but also brings huge challenges to many businesses around the globe. “There’s no doubt that the pandemic has tested the ingenuity, resilience and flexibility of supply chain leaders globally, as they have sought to maintain essential operations.”1 […]

EnOcean is dedicated to a greener future – by utilising IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) usage is growing rapidly. Data-driven decision making is one of the foundations underneath this growing adaption. Digitization is driven even faster by COVID-19 and everything that is related to it and companies have had to adapt to these new changing environments with rapid speed. Employees are returning to the offices, […]

Intelligent buildings form the backbone of smart cities.

In recent years, we have gradually witnessed major changes in our societies worldwide. Determining factors are, for example, digitization, global warming or the changing demography including the aging population in many countries or migration effects. The current pandemic has just accelerated these transitions with a domino effect that forces us to analyze and act quickly. […]

Energiesparen in Wohngebäuden

Energieeinsparungen in Wohngebäuden sind einer der wichtigsten Bausteine auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität. Um den Energieverbrauch von Gebäuden zu reduzieren, sind Sensoren ein wichtiges Mittel zum Zweck. Sie erfassen, analysieren und steuern anhand einer Vielzahl von Messdaten wie zum Bespiel Temperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit und Helligkeit verschiedenste Prozesse in Gebäuden. Für die kontrollierte Belüftung von luftdichten Niedrigenergiehäusern […]

Sustainability triangle energy harvesting

If there’s one topic that has been present over the last couple of decades, it’s sustainability. People are trying to act sustainably in the way they live, paying attention to recycling, consuming less plastic, using bikes and public transport instead of cars, and buying local goods. Companies have also acknowledged that this is something they […]

EnOcean developed strong partnerships for a greener future

The world is currently full of change and development, both positive and negative. Of course there is COVID-19 which has made a rather dramatic impact that at this time last year not many people would have expected. Also, there continues to be a growing awareness for the need to act more sustainably not only on […]

new work - risk or opportunity

A few weeks ago, I moderated our IoT workshop at the T-Systems Innovation Centre. As a keynote, the consulting company Eurocres gave us insights into the topic of “New Work” and showed analyses stating that we will need 30 to 50 % less office buildings in the future. There are several reasons for this: One major driver certainly is the current […]

EnOcean CO2 Monitoring

There is increasing evidence that carbon dioxide levels in buildings correlate strongly with the airborne spread of infection. Consequently, CO2 monitors could act as the “canary in the coalmine” to mitigate the coronavirus threat. Carbon dioxide is generated by the exhaled air of people who stay indoors. Alongside CO2 at a concentration around 40,000 parts […]

Gebäudenutzung nach Corona - Smart Spaces

EnOcean hat zum zweiten Mal in Folge einen höchst spannenden Workshop zum Thema IoT im Gebäude und damit verbundene Smart Spaces organisiert. Das Teilnehmerfeld war hochkarätig besetzt mit Experten u.a. von Apleona, Arrow, Aruba, CWS, Dussmann, Eltako, Eurocres, Goldbeck, Microsoft, Sedus, Siemens, Spie und T-Systems. Natürlich stand der gesamte Austausch unter dem Vorzeichen der Corona-Pandemie. […]

Corona als Trigger für Smart Buildings

Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat so ziemlich alles durcheinandergewirbelt, was wir in unserem beruflichen und privaten Leben bisher gewohnt waren. Wir treffen uns über Webmeetings, sitzen wie ich gerade auch im Homeoffice, kaufen mehr online ein, reisen mit mulmigem Gefühl und verfolgen aufmerksam die Nachrichtenlage, wie sich ein unsichtbares Virus in Wellen um die Welt bewegt. Zuerst […]

Energy Harvesting und NFC für Smart Buildings

Abgesehen vom alles beherrschenden Coronavirus bewegt der Klimawandel nach wie vor die Menschen. Gesellschaft, Politik, aber auch jeder einzelne ist aufgefordert einen Beitrag zu leisten. Darüber hinaus lohnt sich der Blick auf innovative Technologien, die helfen den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen. Ein Beispiel dafür sind energieautarke Funksensoren, die mithilfe der ressourcenschonenden Energy Harvesting-Technologie die Daten liefern, […]
