Posts By Raoul Wijgergangs

Energy efficiency, wellbeing, and space optimization are global megatrends

The requirements for sustainable energy use are increasing worldwide. The reasons for this include climate change, changes in working and living environments and legal regulations. With our energy self-sufficient range of services, we have anchored sustainability in our DNA. And have thus geared our thoughts and actions towards ensuring a future worth living for generations […]

The rapid evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the way we live and work. It offers businesses opportunities to become more efficient, productive, and environmentally responsible. Buildings play a significant role in global CO2 emissions. IoT technology is the key to reducing their carbon footprint. One of the most promising features of […]

Imagine yourself in the following scenario: You’re walking through the empty office building of your company in the evening, everybody has already gone home. However, most of the offices are still lit and you can hear the air con running while in some rooms the heating is turned on. You can even see most of […]

How to make office space smart

Have you ever driven through a town or city in the evening and wondered why there‘s still light turned on in all these office buildings? I bet you have! And it is a good question indeed. I mean you wouldn‘t have lights burning in your own home the entire evening or even night when you […]

Industry 4.0 saves energy.

In recent months and years, there have been so many things that most of us would never have thought possible: the never-ending COVID-19 pandemic, faltering supply chains, high inflation, and the war in Ukraine. Many previous political beliefs and economic concepts are being reconsidered in light of these events and are currently under scrutiny. More […]

Global supply chain during COVID-19

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has not only had a major impact on our personal lives but also brings huge challenges to many businesses around the globe. “There’s no doubt that the pandemic has tested the ingenuity, resilience and flexibility of supply chain leaders globally, as they have sought to maintain essential operations.”1 […]

EnOcean is dedicated to a greener future – by utilising IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) usage is growing rapidly. Data-driven decision making is one of the foundations underneath this growing adaption. Digitization is driven even faster by COVID-19 and everything that is related to it and companies have had to adapt to these new changing environments with rapid speed. Employees are returning to the offices, […]
